Monday, January 16, 2012

dropping again . . .

I just got an update call from mom a few minutes ago. My dad's platelet count this morning is at 69,000. His last IVIG treatment was on Monday so after one week he dropped significantly in his numbers. They are doing his third treatment right now, it takes about 4 hours and then we'll see what the docs have to say. Apparantly his body is still rapidly killing off platelets and the IVIG treatment is not going to be the hoped for "long-term" treatment plan.

One thing that continues to come to mind as I reflect of the past three weeks since this all started is this is no surprise to God. He knew this was coming, we didn't. He knows the outcome, we don't. He knows the cause and the "right" treatment, we don't yet. Bottom line though, God is in control and we can TRUST Him. That is good enough for me. And so the testing and waiting game continues . . .


Alaska Mom said...

...and we continue to pray! Love you, Anita.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Robin! Love you too!