As part of my living room make over I decided to copy Pottery Barn's pillow case pattern to recover some of the throw pillows on our couches. The colors of our living room are green, brown, cream/tan and red as the accent color. Back in the fall I looked into buying two pillow case covers from PBarn only to find that they would cost $30 on sale and charge an additional $30 to ship to AK. Really, $30 shipping for 8 oz. of weight? No way. Ridiculous. Another true confession I am not a seamstress. In fact I think I've sewn something with guidance using a sewing machine two times in my life.
For this simple but technical project for a non-sew-er I went to the professionals for assistance, Pam and Marlene Kroon. As luck would have it they were having a quilting, sewing week together so my sewing idea fit right in with their plans. Wednesday I went over to Pam's house to meet with my seamstress mentors and we wipped out a pattern in a few minutes and a couple hours later I was driving home with two new pillow cases that cost me approximately $7.00 a piece to make. Not bad. It feels great to make something you really want or like and save a ton of $$ in the process. Thanks Pam and Marlene for your assistance! The pillows fit perfect with my living room make over!
Yay!! What a fun day to sew with Pam and Marlene. Anita your pillows turned out wonderfully! You'll love them for many many years. I've had mine on our couches for about 4 1/2 years now and still love how they pull our living room together. Great job! Thanks for blogging. :)
Oh my they turned out great! And I love the green in the living room! You are super fabulous!
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