The day after Ben and I got back to CA we had a dinner/interview with Pastor Lee about a youth pastor position at a small Korean church in Santa Clarita. We'd known about the opportunity since this past spring. Another seminary grad and friend of Ben's was the former youth pastor told us that they would need someone new to fill in when his sem buddy left this summer.
Long story short the dinner went well. We had the opportunity to meet Pastor Lee, his wife Michelle and daughter Sarah (who translated most of our conversation) and he asked Ben to be the new youth pastor of their church. It is a small church of about 11 families. They rent space from another church on Sunday afternoons and Friday nights. Most of the first generation Koreans speak only Korean and all of the second generation students that we work with speak English fluently.
So for the past month we have been settling in to a new ministry here. We go to our regular church Sunday mornings and then drive to the Korean church in the afternoon to do a Bible study with the youth. Every Friday night we have youth group with about 6-10 junior and senior high students.
Being that it is a small church there is not a lot of pressure to plan major events and/or keep office hours. Ben gets a small stipend each month but our main reason for taking the position was the ministry experience it will give Ben. He is enjoying the transition from preaching at the drug rehab center last semester. This job allows us to get to know and build relationships with the students and it is a more consistent ministry opportunity.
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