Snowmen we made today in a friend's back yard
Joanna and me Wednesday night
Crazy of all crazy things, it snowed here on Wednesday and again today. Today they got abot 2" a first in 3 years. I was pretty amused by the reaction. ALL the news all morning and afternoon was "storm" coverage...the temps are dropping, rising, dropping, we have sleet, snow, ice building etc.
Sally and I went to Wallmart to get some things and it was a mad house! People were out stocking up like Armagedon had come. The big thing to do, or I guess that just happens here when it snows is that everybody goes out and buys milk, bread and eggs in case they can't get out to the store for an extended period of time (1-2 days). The funny thing? The roads were clear by dinner time. The snow will be gone completely by Monday if it warms up. I walked around Walmart and just smiled to myself as I watched people load their carts up. The hat and glove section was empty. To their credit the melt/freeze temp change does make icy roads and they are not used to driving on ice. It's been a cultural experience this week!
Hey, the one inch that we got here in Korea last week was really exciting to me! I didn't stock up on milk and eggs though.
Glad you seem to be having such a great time at similary.
Hello Anita,
Wow! You have a great blog! So how do you like the blizzards in the southeast? Quite a bit different than Alaska. That's some reindeer you have (Ruben). I loved your commentary on the mud run and the pictures. I'm going to miss not being in class with you this semester, please stay in touch. Blessings:)
Thanks for the feedback Dr. Higgins. I'll have to stop by and say "hi" sometime. Kristin and I regularly use the toaster we got from last semester...a great donation, thanks!
P.S. Who is "being young and stupid"??
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