Monday, April 03, 2006

Junior Prom...

Saturday was Colony High's prom and Amanda and I had the honor of helping four of our youth girls get bee-yoo-ti-fied for the great occassion! The festivities started at 9:30 a.m. at Natalie's house. We filled up on homemade chocolate chip sourdough pancakes, compliments of Jinks (her mother), then the curling, toe painting and primping began. Amanda does AMAZING hair styles and fixed Johanna's and Natalie's hair while others of us painted fingers and toes.

Later that afternoon a second round came out to Amanda's...Erin and Elizabeth. Both girls had GREAT hair, perfect for a Pride and Prejudice movie! The second round was a blizt because they had just finished a science olympiad and were heading into Anchorage for the dance shortly after. The day was a blast! A memory that won't be forgotten and a tradition that needs to continue next year! My youth girls are BEAUTIFUL!!

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