I'm through my 2nd week of classes and have already made some changes to my initial plans for the semester. I decided to drop a class, Theology, to lighten my load a little. One of the things they encourage at CIU is balance, to make time to really SOAK in what we learn, meditate on it and also have time to develop deep relationships with people. I was already cramming to get things done and wasn't seeing much of my housemate the beginning of the week along with stress and decided to make a change. I am not here to race through and get done as fast as possible. I want to savor and soak in the information, ministry opportunities and relationships that God has for me while I am here. SO, life is feeling more manageable right now.
I briefly mentioned in my last post that one of my classes consists mainly of doing a semester long ethnography (study of a target group of people, history, religious aspects, social, community, etc.) that we want to learn more about and share God's Word with. My group has chosen the Chinese students (20+) at a high school on CIU's campus. It's an international boarding school that has students from all over the world including some native South Carolinans.
This past Sunday we took the group of students to the Chinese Church in Columbia for the Mandarin service. They are allowed to go to a church in their home language once a month, reason being part of the International experience for them is to become fluent in English and immerse themselves in Western culture. This Sunday we are having our 1st "social" at their dorm house to get to know them on a more personal level and start building relationships with them. Each of us (4 total) will have 7-8 students in a group that we will spend time with throughout the semester on our own and in a larger group. This Sunday I will also be sharing my testimony with them as part of our time together. Please pray that I will share it in a culturallly relevant way and that seeds will be planted. We know of 4 students (returning students) who are believers but the oher 18 or so are not.
I am still loving being here and am looking forward to a Labor Day trip with friends down to Charlestown, SC.
Hi . . . Ash's mom, here. I enjoy reading your blog, especially this one. Bill has been preaching at the Raleigh Chinese Christian Church 2-3 Sundays each month for over a year, pulpit supply for the English speaking service. We love the people at RCCC and have been tremendously blessed by this opportunity. We will be praying for you . . . and will enjoying hearing how God is working in this area of your life at CIU.
Kathy Brown
Hey Badita,
So glad to read your update! Hooray for the ability to drop classes... :) I'm so glad for you and your lighter load! What an amazing time in your life and opportunity you're in right now! You're right, savor every moment.
Miss ya, Amanda
Hey Kathy!
I'm glad you're reading my updates. I hear Adam and Connie have relocated to Columbia? Maybe we'll cross paths at some point. Thanks for sharing your RCCC involvement and update. Blessings on you guys!
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