Thursday, July 17, 2008

not about me...

While I was home this past month visiting family and friends I had an insightful conversation with a friend over coffee. We got on the topic of the lulls in life...seasons when we are spiritually dry, apathetic, or even in some moments dubious toward God. I have had moments in life like that, one season in particular when I struggled with depression and wondered where God was in it all. I was angry, hurt and stopped trusting God to fully meet all my needs.

As my friend shared her current struggle to trust God completely and to "feel" His presence a thought came to mind. She commented on several things but in particular how her time in the Bible, time in worship, time alone with God has been empty and unfulfilling. God was actively answering prayers in huge ways for several of her friends but her own health concerns have yet to be diagnosed by doctors(after years of waiting). God impressed some things on my heart that I shared in response to her frustration and doubt.

One area where a lot of Christians get it "wrong", myself included, is that this life, our quiet time, our worship, our material possessions, even our health is about us. This is not true. Ultimately God created us to worship Him. We are created in HIS image to bring HIM glory. Sometimes He is most glorified in our weaknesses and hardships. It doesn't always make sense to us but in the greater picture He is still ever present, very aware or where we are, and cares deeply about us.

When I hit those times of dry worship, when I don't receive any great "epiphanies" from my quiet times I remind myself that that time is not really about ME being filled or enlightened but about GOD being GLORIFIED. If all I can do some days is read aloud one verse, I pray that it will bring Him glory. He alone is WORTHY and desires our complete trust and unhindered worship. That's not to say that there aren't those great moments of "revelation" or direct answers to prayers but that is not the norm. We shouldn't base our trust and love for God on His answers to our prayers or provision for our needs.

This conversation came to mind again today because I have been reading a book this past week called "Lover of my Soul: delighting in God's passionate love". A chapter I read today called "Knowing Him" made the analogy of our spiritual relationship with God being as intimate as that of a husband and wife on their wedding night. Our relationship with God is not sexual but deeply spiritual. It is the closest analogy that we can comprehend.

The author, Alan Wright, describes it this way...

* Two things are necessary for intimate knowledge of God our unguarded abandon and our permanent committment

* God wants people who will lose sight of themselves long enough to be overwhelmed by the sight of God

* God, our bridegroom, demands total permanent commitment

* Holy intimate experiences of God are not for spiritual thrill seekers unprepared to walk with Him, intimacy requires covenant (something God established with His people in Genesis)

I could be wrong, but I think it is very common for followers of Christ to fall into patterns of apathy, doubt and anger toward their Creator God. I definitely struggle at times. It is encouraging to me to remember some of the basics when all else hurts and doesn't make sense. One God is WORTHY of my worship. Second God longs for nothing more than my WORSHIP. Third God is GLORIFIED in authentic worship...that includes those times that I approach His throne of grace broken and confused.

I guess I write this in my blog to challenge those that are currently facing some of these things to be wary of getting swept up in self-pity and doubt because Satan loves nothing more than for God's people to be numb. May we not be fickle in our covenant with God because He is not fickle with us. We may be hurt, we may be angry but we should never lose TRUST in God. He alone is worthy!

Monday, July 14, 2008


One of many perks to the south is having an abundance of FRESH fruit! I LOVE the fruit, well, ALL the produce down here. Right now cherries are in season and are going like crazy at the grocery stores. The other night a friend brought over a fruit salad with fresh cherries which inspired me to buy some today. They are AMAZING good! Definitely one thing we don't get in least not this quality! Mmmmmmmm!!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008


My first visit to Dave and Aimy's was a nice welcome, run down at the door by their blue Great Dane, Ruben. He's now 8 months old, stands as tall as my chest and weighs more than I do. I told them their house is something like a petty zoo with two dogs, two cats, fish and a small pony in their house. He acts like a puppy but is stronger than he knows. His tail and "gentle bumps" to be pet nearly knock me over if I am not braced. I'm curious to know how strong and big he'll be full grown!

family reunion

the family minus mom

cousin shot

While I was home some of my dad's family was up visiting. His brother Dale and older sister Becky and their families came. It was great to see them but our time was too short! I especially enjoyed seeing my cousin Ian for the 2nd time...he's four now and as cute as ever.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

what I miss...

Being home the past two weeks has been a tremendous blessings. Truly the friends and family God has given me are a blessing beyond what I deserve. I have loved every moment of my time here. Some particular things I miss about Alaska...

my girls

my family

taking spontaneous camping trips at 10 p.m. b/c there is still daylight left to burn

hiking at 12:00 a.m.

watching the sun "set" at 12:30 a.m.

waking up to this when I open my tent in the morning

the mountains

my little people

my tall people

hiking in comfortable temps

snacks with my little people

...these are a few of my favorite things.